Caribbean Dealbook


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DescriptionAmt US$Date
1 Directors’ Circular to the Ordinary Stockholders in Hardware & Lumber Limited
M&A | Trading/distribution/retail | Jamaica | Completed | Jamaica Stock Exchange
Acquisition of remaining Hardware & Lumber Limited shares by Argyle Industries Inc (33,764,719 shares at J$18.50 per share). Argyle owns 58.23% and Pan-Jam owns (and has agreed to sell its) 20.83%.
Sector::Jamaica Stock Exchange Ltd
5.2m 50.00% 5.2m Feb 2016 Jamaica

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Status: This list includes deals - Announced, Completed and Failed
Currency: Transactions are listed in both the currency announced and also US$.

The Aim: is to create a resource to ease research, investment, discover sales opportunities, track industries, countries and companies, their investments and those funding them. These are some of the top reasons.

Each transaction is linked to its news source (Deal No) and will eventually link to the related companies &/or persons. Other features will also be added soon (view in other currencies instead of US$, filter by type/status/country, sort by amount etc.)

The information is based on official company releases where available (firstly) or stock market disclosures; if not available, news paper articles and other public sources