MoneyMax101 has financial information and ratios on every listed company on the JSE. You can view financials and ratios on each company throughout the site (e.g. Data), or on each company’s profile page (e.g. NCBFG).
Now we’re making it even better.
More Data, Much Nicer
The first major change is how visually appealing it is. Simple to read and easy to follow – with the quarters clearly shown, properly spaced and labeled. Oh, it is responsive as well. Try it on your phone or tablet and see the charts even bigger.
Plus, (and this is a big plus) we’re showing both the quarterly and year-to-date figures where applicable (for instance on the Profit and Loss and Cashflow statements. This is very good to see how a company is doing not only year-to-date (as they sometimes emphasize) but also on a quarterly basis (or vice-versa)
The other major change is that the financials for each company will now include a section showing the growth rate for each quarter – the amount and percentage change of each quarter vs the prior year and prior quarter.
This is amazing!
If you have any interest in looking at a company’s financials this will be a huuuge plus for you.
Now you can easily see how much (absolute and percentage-wise a company’s results are changing quarter to quarter).
It looks like this.
This is a sample of a company’s Income Statement with both the quarterly and year-to-date figures shown.

And It will allow you to drill down like this

Once you expand it, you can see the growth rate below

Even More Line Items!!
We’ve also increased the number of items shown. Initially, we included the main items for each financial statement, but now we’ve included, pretty much all the major lines from the Income Statment, Statement of Position and Cashflow.
For the Income Statement, you will see
- Net interest income (financial companies)
- Gains on fx trading separate from securities (financial companies)
- Selling General and Admin Expenses (being added)
- Income Before Tax
- Comprehensive Income
For the Balance Sheet
- Customer Deposits (financial companies)
- Repurchase Agreements (financial companies)
- Payables
- Short and Long Term Loans
- Retained Earnings
And for the Cashflow – We’re expanding it to show the major contributors in each category
- Net Income
- Depreciation
- Additions to PPE
- Dividends etc
Why Is This A BIG Deal?
Firstly, this is a huuge milestone for us ??. And we’re glad it’s finally happening. And we’re even more happy for the users who rely on this data to make their investing decisions.
There are a number of persons who dig into a company’s performance, and our financial data makes this process even easier for them. This could be investors trying to make a quick investing decision, journalists and other media personnel, researchers, financial sector employees, and others.
Here’s why this is a big deal
- Firstly, because it took some time, but it’s finally here ? ??
- Next, the way we’ve presented it makes it easy to spot the trends
- A quick example – I remember earlier this year a news headline trumpeted a company’s results, up XYZ% over last year!! But when you looked at the quarterly performance, each quarter was getting was worse than the quarter before.
- Of course (this is a quick example and there are a number of issues to consider). But that is why you would need to do proper research. Had the figures been available like this at that time we would have easily seen that the YTD performance does not show the full picture
- Let’s try to see it in the chart below…

Continuing, it’s also a big deal because…
- It’s now QUICKER and EASIER to make comparisons with the last quarter, the same quarter last year or year to date (try doing that with multiple PDFs, lots of time saved right there)
- We’ve done all the calculations making it super easy to see the change in performance
- It’s a standardized format so you know exactly what to expect for whichever company you look up
- Meaning: If you take a company’s financials, you sometimes have no idea what you will encounter. The quality and standard of the financial reporting can sometimes be a headache.
- So for instance, some companies include sub-totals, some don’t. Some will include the figures vs the same quarter last year, some will just show year-to-date.
- Some are in thousands and are called different things depending on what they choose.
- We have gone through all the financials and made it VERY easy to compare companies or to understand a company on its own as we’ve done all the groundwork to overcome the differences in how a company reports
It’s available now, for all the listed companies on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. So go ahead and dig into the last few quarters of a company’s results (where available). Try KREMI or NCBFG for instance and let us know if you’re enjoying this upgrade as much as we are.