MoneyMax101 Screeners

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Recent Performance

Stocks seeing an increase in price compared the previous close. Ordered in descending order by price percent change
Stocks seeing a decrease in price compared the previous close. Ordered in ascending order by price percent change
52W high during the most recent trading day
52W low during the most recent trading day

Performance Vs The Market

Stocks doing better than the JSE Combined Index MTD
Stocks doing better than the JSE Combined Index YTD


All Bullish stocks - Those with their stock price above the their 50-day moving average. With some regular trading (at least 30% of the time)
All Bearish stocks - Those with their stock price below the their 50-day moving average. With some regular trading (at least 30% of the time)
A shortlist of the bullish stocks - those seeing the most significant increase in price vs its 50 moving average. With some regular trading (at least 30% of the time)
A shortlist of the bearish stocks - those seeing the most significant decrease in price vs its 50 moving average. With some regular trading (at least 30% of the time)


All stocks that pay a dividend
Companies with a Net Profit Margin > 10%
More to come...


Main Market Stocks
Juniour Market Stocks - Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) with stated capital of J$50m to J$500m
The fifteen most liquid stocks. Liquidity is determined by the number of days traded over a three year period, number of times traded over a three year period and total ordinary transactions over a three year period. These are companies on the JSE's Select Index
Stocks in the JSE financial index
Stocks in the JSE Manufacturing & Distribution index
Preference Shares
USD Market Stocks
Bond Market Stocks