Eppley Limited 8.75% Due 2023 (JSE:EPLY8.75)

Jamaica Stock Exchange

Last closed on 2021-11-18 at
J$7.28 0.00% 0.00
Opened at : 7.28.
EPLY8.75 is also listed on the JSE as (EPLY), and closed on 2024-07-15 at
38.67 +0.00% 0.00
Opened at : 38.67 All other figures and prices on this page relate to the JSE.

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Tuesday's Trading
Movement: Didn't Trade
Tuesday's Range:
Ask / Bid:
Bid - Ask Spread:
52 Week Range:
Avg Vol (3 mths):
50D MA Sentiment
% Change vs Market
Tuesday's Price vs...
52 Week High
52 Week Low
10d Moving Avg
20d Moving Avg
50d Moving Avg
200d Moving Avg
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Industry & Sector
Industry (GICS): Consumer Finance
Sector(GICS): Financials
Financials & Publication

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Stock Exchange
Ownership: Exchange(s): Market (Exchange):
Share Type:
Exchange Symbol: Shares Outstanding: