1.5 Million Units Valued at over J$13.0 Million Traded. Gleaner leads with 433,308 units (30.41%) – April 25, 2012

Today J$13.04 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange J$ Market (1.82 million shares) for 24 securities.
US$28.85 thousand was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US$ Market (288,500 units) for 1 security.
This was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$12.63 million – 1,420,546 shares traded. 18 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$415.24 thousand – 105,998 shares traded. 4 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$21.00 thousand – 4,200 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).
  • USD Market – US$28.85 thousand – 288,500 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. PROVEN8 .. +10.86% or +J$0.49 to close at J$5.00 with 4,200 shares traded – Proven Investments Limited 8%
  2. SVL …… +8.14% or +J$0.21 to close at J$2.79 with 19,500 shares traded – Supreme Ventures Limited
  3. LASM ….. +1.30% or +J$0.16 to close at J$12.50 with 10,000 shares traded – Lasco Manufacturing Limited
  4. SGJ …… +0.34% or +J$0.08 to close at J$23.51 with 14,740 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  5. NCBJ ….. +0.08% or +J$0.02 to close at J$26.60 with 23,400 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. GK ……. J$6,057,617.40 – -0.33% or -J$0.20 to close at J$59.90 with 100,458 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  2. JMMB ….. J$1,508,388.42 – -0.90% or -J$0.10 to close at J$11.01 with 136,444 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.
  3. CAR …… J$1,246,558.96 – -0.16% or -J$0.10 to close at J$61.50 with 20,347 shares traded – Carreras Limited
  4. GLNR ….. J$797,286.72 – -0.54% or -J$0.01 to close at J$1.84 with 433,308 shares traded – Gleaner Company
  5. NCBJ ….. J$622,440.00 – +0.08% or +J$0.02 to close at J$26.60 with 23,400 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. GLNR ….. 433,308 shares – -0.54% or -J$0.01 to close at J$1.84 – Gleaner Company
  2. PROVEN … 288,500 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$0.10 – Proven Investments Limited
  3. CWJA ….. 234,495 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$0.17 – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  4. JMMB ….. 136,444 shares – -0.90% or -J$0.10 to close at J$11.01 – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.
  5. DG ……. 102,407 shares – -1.96% or -J$0.08 to close at J$4.01 – Desnoes and Geddes Ltd.

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. CCC …… -14.44% or -J$0.26 to close at J$1.54 with 7,440 shares traded – Caribbean Cement Company Ltd.
  2. PULS ….. -12.06% or -J$0.24 to close at J$1.75 with 54,553 shares traded – Pulse Investments
  3. DG ……. -1.96% or -J$0.08 to close at J$4.01 with 102,407 shares traded – Desnoes and Geddes Ltd.
  4. MIL …… -1.18% or -J$0.03 to close at J$2.52 with 37,402 shares traded – Mayberry Investments Ltd
  5. JBG …… -1.04% or -J$0.05 to close at J$4.76 with 73,997 shares traded – Jamaica Broilers Ltd.

Other News

  1. The Board of Directors of Berger Paints Jamaica Limited passed a resolution that a Final Dividend payment of $0.13 per share be recommended to shareholders in respect of the financial year ended March 31, 2012. The dividend will be paid on July 10, 2012 to shareholders on record as at June 22, 2012. The ex-dividend date is June 20, 2012.
  2. Caribbean Cement Company Limited traded at its 52-week low of $1.53.
  3. Carreras Limited traded at its 52-week low of $61.00.
  4. Gleaner Company Limited traded at its 52-week low of $1.83.
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