775 transactions / $152m on the Stock market this week – Oct 3 – 7, 2011

For the period October 03, 2011 to October 07, 2011 market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 31,113,292 units valued at $152,369,625.89. Block transactions amounted to 100,000,000 units valued at $107,000,000.00

The Following Companies Represents The Overall Market Volume Leaders: –

  • Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. with 2,876,048 units, amounting to 9.24% of the market volume
  • Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited with 2,618,762 units, amounting to 8.42% of the market volume

The regular market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 14,152,642 units valued at $105,249,668.92. Block transactions amounted to 100,000,000 units valued at $107,000,000.00. The volume leader category was dominated by:

  • Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. with 2,876,048 units, amounting to 20.32% of the market volume
  • Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited with 2,618,762 units, amounting to 18.50% of the market volume
  • Jamaica Broilers Group with 1,612,807 units, amounting to 11.40% of the market volume

Junior market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 16,960,650 units valued at $47,119,956.97. There were no block transactions for the period.
The volume leader category was dominated by:

  • General Accident Insurance Co. (Jamaica) Ltd with 14,846,798 units, amounting to 87.54% of the market volume
  • Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited with 753,027 units, amounting to 4.44% of the market volume
  • Lasco Distributors Limited with 398,327 units, amounting to 2.35% of the market volume

Advance / Decline

  • Overall Market activity resulted from trading in 42 stocks of which 26 advanced, 7 declined and 9 traded firm.
  • Regular Market activity resulted from trading in 31 stocks of which 20 advanced, 5 declined and 6 traded firm.
  • Junior Market activity resulted from trading in 11 stocks of which 6 advanced, 2 declined and 3 traded firm.

Market Capitalization

  • Overall Market capitalisation increased by $5,544.60 million to close at $621.03 billion
  • Regular Market capitalisation increased by $4,856.06 million to close at $601.09 billion
  • Junior Market capitalisation increased by $688.54 million to close at $19,936.60 million

There were 399 transactions on the Junior market, 375 on the regular market, and 1 Block transaction making it a total of 775 transactions in total this week.

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