897 trades on the JSE / $316 million in value traded – Oct 31-Nov 4, 2011

For the period October 31, 2011 to November 04, 2011 market volume on the Jamaica Stock Exchange amounted to 48,214,666 units valued at $316,263,255.98. There were no block transactions for the period.

The Following Companies Represents The Overall Market Volume Leaders: –

  • Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. with 11,679,412 units, amounting to 24.22% of the market volume ($2,295,895.30)
  • Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd with 9,451,803 units, amounting to 19.60% of the market volume ($109,092,232.73)
  • Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited with 5,920,007 units, amounting to 12.28% of the market volume ($17,309,228.93)

In terms of value traded, the following companies should also be noted:-

  • National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd. 1,873,061 units – $55,552,765.57
  • Pegasus Hotels Of Jamaica Ltd. 1,527,494 units – $34,368,610.00

Overall Market activity resulted from trading in 45 stocks of which 27 advanced, 7 declined and 11 traded firm.

Top Advancing Companies

Of special note is the increasing number of stocks that have advanced and the percentage increase seen in these stocks. 10 companies advanced 10% or more in value this week. Meaning, if you bought any of these companies the week before, you would have seen your investment appreciate more than 10%. Those companies are below.

  1. Lasco Financial Services Limited – 54.0%
  2. Ciboney Group – 40.0%
  3. Caribbean Cement Co – 36.1%
  4. Mayberry Investments – 25.4%
  5. Dolphin Cove Limited – 20.4%
  6. Ja Money Market Brokers – 13.7%
  7. Lasco Distributors Limited – 11.1%
  8. Natl Comm Bank Ja – 10.1%
  9. Scotia Investments Ja – 10.0%
  10. Supreme Ventures – 10.0%

 There were 346 transactions on the Junior market, 551 on the regular market, and 0 Block transaction(s) making it a total of 897 transactions in total this week.

Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Updates

  • National Enterprises Limited has informed the Exchange that effective November 1st, 2011, Mr. Premchand Beharry was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of National Enterprises Limited. Mr. Beharry fills the vacancy arising from the resignation of Ms. Susan Durbal with effect from July 26th, 2011.

The following Listed Companies released financial statements this week which are available on the TTSE’s website:

  •  Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited – 2012 2nd Quarter
  •  Republic Bank Limited – 2011 Year End

There were 189 trades on the TTSE stock market this week

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