9 Advance, 8 Decline, 4 Firm. J$21.1 Million Traded – April 04, 2012

Today J$21.11 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange J$ Market (1.66 million shares) for 22 securities.
US$12.96 thousand was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US$ Market (144,000 units) for 1 security.
This was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$18.47 million – 830,759 shares traded. 13 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$2.64 million – 654,335 shares traded. 7 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$103.25 thousand – 29,500 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).
  • USD Market – US$12.96 thousand – 144,000 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. JMMB ….. +6.93% or +J$0.68 to close at J$10.49 with 4,146 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.
  2. GENAC …. +5.94% or +J$0.12 to close at J$2.14 with 429,000 shares traded – General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited
  3. GLNR ….. +2.16% or +J$0.04 to close at J$1.89 with 253,001 shares traded – Gleaner Company
  4. SLJ …… +1.76% or +J$0.19 to close at J$10.96 with 15,190 shares traded – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  5. JAMT ….. +0.74% or +J$0.03 to close at J$4.10 with 4,900 shares traded – Jamaican Teas Limited

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. NCBJ ….. J$6,683,132.27 – +0.08% or +J$0.02 to close at J$26.52 with 252,051 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  2. GK ……. J$4,847,653.80 – -1.52% or -J$0.91 to close at J$59.09 with 81,576 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  3. SGJ …… J$2,143,035.44 – +0.08% or +J$0.02 to close at J$23.84 with 89,648 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  4. SIJL ….. J$1,923,027.72 – -0.66% or -J$0.18 to close at J$27.27 with 70,531 shares traded – Scotia DBG Investments Ltd.
  5. PJAM ….. J$1,714,050.00 – -1.66% or -J$0.96 to close at J$57.04 with 30,000 shares traded – Pan Jamaican Investments Trust Ltd.

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. GENAC …. 429,000 shares – +5.94% or +J$0.12 to close at J$2.14 – General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited
  2. GLNR ….. 253,001 shares – +2.16% or +J$0.04 to close at J$1.89 – Gleaner Company
  3. NCBJ ….. 252,051 shares – +0.08% or +J$0.02 to close at J$26.52 – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  4. PROVEN … 144,000 shares – -10.00% or -J$0.01 to close at J$0.09 – Proven Investments Limited
  5. LASM ….. 107,415 shares – +0.08% or +J$0.01 to close at J$12.02 – Lasco Manufacturing Limited

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. PROVEN … -10.00% or -J$0.01 to close at J$0.09 with 144,000 shares traded – Proven Investments Limited
  2. HONBUN … -1.82% or -J$0.08 to close at J$4.32 with 1,000 shares traded – Honey Bun (1982) Limited
  3. PJAM ….. -1.66% or -J$0.96 to close at J$57.04 with 30,000 shares traded – Pan Jamaican Investments Trust Ltd.
  4. GK ……. -1.52% or -J$0.91 to close at J$59.09 with 81,576 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  5. LAS …… -1.48% or -J$4.00 to close at J$266.00 with 100 shares traded – Lascelles, deMercado and Company Ltd.

52 Week high / low

  • Lascelles, deMercado and Company Ltd. traded at its 52-week low of $266.

Other News

  • Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC) has confirmed that the National Workers Union (NWU) has served notice on the Company of a Work to Rule effective Tuesday April 3, from 6 a.m. The NWU represents some 180 hourly paid workers at the Rockfort plant. CCC said that it recognised the economic challenges being experienced by its employees but was severely challenged by the Company’s current financial constraints. The Company expressed regret that negotiations had degenerated to this level but reiterated that the Company remained open to discussion and resolution.
    CCC also said that it would explore the available provisions under the Labour Laws for a speedy return to normality. The Company has assured that there is an adequate supply of cement in the market to satisfy the needs of its customers.
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