Access Financial Trades at 52-Week High, Cable & Wireless Sink 22% – March 20, 2012

Today J$48.38 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (3.96 million shares) for 33.00 securities and this was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$41.07 million – 2,296,654 shares traded. 21 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$6.80 million – 1,511,850 shares traded. 10 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$507.50 thousand – 145,000 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. (LASF) …. +7.54% or +J$0.30 to close at J$4.28 with 88,940 shares traded – Lasco Financial Services Limited
  2. (PJAM) …. +4.58% or +J$2.63 to close at J$60.00 with 30,000 shares traded – Pan Jamaican InvestmentsTrust Ltd.
  3. (JP) …… +4.00% or +J$0.84 to close at J$21.86 with 2,149 shares traded – Jamaica Producers Group Ltd.
  4. (PCFS) …. +3.28% or +J$0.89 to close at J$27.99 with 97,949 shares traded – Pan Caribbean Financial Services
  5. (HONBUN) .. +1.16% or +J$0.05 to close at J$4.35 with 13,307 shares traded – Honey Bun (1982) Limited

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. (NCBJ) …. J$17,521,560.00 – -0.30% or -J$0.08 to close at J$27.00 with 644,175 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  2. (SLJ) ….. J$6,868,184.40 – +1.05% or +J$0.11 to close at J$10.63 with 635,943 shares traded – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  3. (JAMT) …. J$4,521,604.14 – -2.64% or -J$0.11 to close at J$4.05 with 1,101,487 shares traded – Jamaican Teas Limited
  4. (SEP) ….. J$3,922,425.00 – -2.01% or -J$0.40 to close at J$19.50 with 201,150 shares traded – Seprod Limited
  5. (GK) …… J$3,857,782.50 – -0.77% or -J$0.47 to close at J$60.54 with 63,765 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. (JAMT) …. 1,101,487 shares – -2.64% or -J$0.11 to close at J$4.05 – Jamaican Teas Limited
  2. (NCBJ) …. 644,175 shares – -0.30% or -J$0.08 to close at J$27.00 – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  3. (SLJ) ….. 635,943 shares – +1.05% or +J$0.11 to close at J$10.63 – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  4. (SEP) ….. 201,150 shares – -2.01% or -J$0.40 to close at J$19.50 – Seprod Limited
  5. (MIL) ….. 148,914 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$3.00 – Mayberry Investments Ltd

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. (CWJA) …. -22.22% or -J$0.04 to close at J$0.14 with 96,068 shares traded – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  2. (DG) …… -7.32% or -J$0.33 to close at J$4.18 with 2,400 shares traded – Desnoes and Geddes Ltd.
  3. (JAMT) …. -2.64% or -J$0.11 to close at J$4.05 with 1,101,487 shares traded – Jamaican Teas Limited
  4. (SEP) ….. -2.01% or -J$0.40 to close at J$19.50 with 201,150 shares traded – Seprod Limited
  5. (CPJ) ….. -1.71% or -J$0.04 to close at J$2.30 with 5,000 shares traded – Caribbean Producers Jamaica

52 Week high / low

  1. Access Financial Services Limited traded at its 52-week high of $5.5.
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