Cable and Wireless is 51% of market volumes this week – Aug 12, 2011

For the period August 08, 2011 to August 12, 2011 Overall market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 48,480,705 units valued at $250,003,403.88.

Regular market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 38,251,360 units valued at $207,414,500.61. There were no block transactions for the period.

The volume leader category was dominated by:

  • Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. with 19,655,218 units, amounting to 51.38% of the market volume;
  • Jamaica Broilers Group with 7,379,573 units, amounting to 19.29% of the market volume
  • Mayberry Investments Limited with 2,252,515 units, amounting to 5.89% of the market volume

Regular Market activity resulted from trading in 33 stocks of which 16 advanced, 11 declined and 6 traded firm.

Junior market volume (excluding blocks) amounted to 10,229,345 units valued at $42,588,903.27. There were no block transactions for the period.

The volume leader category was dominated by:

  • Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited with 6,729,135 units, amounting to 65.78% of the market volume
  • Lasco Manufacturing Limited with 1,400,458 units, amounting to 13.69% of the market volume
  • Lasco Distributors Limited with 681,467 units, amounting to 6.66% of the market volume

Junior Market activity resulted from trading in 10 stocks of which 3 advanced, 4 declined and 3 traded firm

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