J$12m / 24 Stocks Traded – July 17, 2012

Today J$11.68 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange J$ Market (2.19 million shares) for 24 securities.

This was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$10.95 million – 1,757,893 shares traded. 17 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$736.74 thousand – 146,947 shares traded. 6 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$974.13 thousand – 278,323 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. MIL ……. +8.89% or +J$0.20 to close at J$2.45 with 12,517 shares traded – Mayberry Investments Ltd
  2. SIJL …… +4.14% or +J$1.14 to close at J$28.67 with 600 shares traded – Scotia DBG Investments Ltd.
  3. SVL ……. +1.73% or +J$0.04 to close at J$2.35 with 391,330 shares traded – Supreme Ventures Limited
  4. GK …….. +0.87% or +J$0.48 to close at J$55.48 with 6,911 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  5. SGJ ……. +0.85% or +J$0.18 to close at J$21.32 with 59,014 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. CAR ……. J$3,977,606.77 – +0.47% or +J$0.24 to close at J$51.01 with 77,977 shares traded – Carreras Limited
  2. SGJ ……. J$1,269,686.21 – +0.85% or +J$0.18 to close at J$21.32 with 59,014 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  3. SLJ ……. J$1,053,175.00 – +0.20% or +J$0.02 to close at J$10.22 with 103,000 shares traded – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  4. JMMB8.75 .. J$974,130.50 – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$3.50 with 278,323 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited 8.75%
  5. SVL ……. J$919,625.50 – +1.73% or +J$0.04 to close at J$2.35 with 391,330 shares traded – Supreme Ventures Limited

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. CWJA …… 915,422 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$0.19 – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  2. SVL ……. 391,330 shares – +1.73% or +J$0.04 to close at J$2.35 – Supreme Ventures Limited
  3. JMMB8.75 .. 278,323 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$3.50 – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited 8.75%
  4. DG …….. 146,727 shares – -0.27% or -J$0.01 to close at J$3.70 – Desnoes and Geddes Ltd.
  5. SLJ ……. 103,000 shares – +0.20% or +J$0.02 to close at J$10.22 – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. LASF …… -5.41% or -J$0.24 to close at J$4.20 with 500 shares traded – Lasco Financial Services Limited
  2. RJR ……. -0.81% or -J$0.02 to close at J$2.45 with 1,224 shares traded – Radio Jamaica Ltd.
  3. LASM …… -0.61% or -J$0.07 to close at J$11.33 with 9,552 shares traded – Lasco Manufacturing Limited
  4. NCBJ …… -0.40% or -J$0.09 to close at J$22.20 with 13,913 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  5. DCOVE ….. -0.29% or -J$0.02 to close at J$6.80 with 20,000 shares traded – Dolphin Cove Limited

52 Week high / low

  • National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd. traded at its 52-week low of $22.11.
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