J$32.2m / 25 Stocks Traded On JSE. TTSE Had 47 Trades Valued at TT$569k – Jun 12, 2014

Stock market performance report for Thursday 12th of June 2014 below.

Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)


  • Combined Market – J$32,284,905 – 7,071,346 shares / 25 stock(s) traded. 78 trades.
  • JSE Market Index – J$31,423,784 – 6,294,832 shares / 67 trades. 6 Advanced / 6 Declined / 7 Firm.
  • JSE Junior Market Index – J$861,121 – 776,514 shares / 11 trades. 2 Advanced / 0 Declined / 4 Firm.

Combined and Market Index includes Ordinary and Preference Shares.

Index Performance

  • JSE Market Index – 6,294,832 shares traded. Index +0.42% to 70,332.
  • JSE Junior Market Index – 776,514 shares traded. Index +0.34% to 714.
  • JSE US Equities Index – 345 shares traded. Index 0.00% to 130.
  • JSE Select Index – 4,820,979 shares traded. Index +0.21% to 2,077.
  • JSE All Jamaican Composite – 6,113,232 shares traded. Index +0.43% to 77,352.
  • JSE Cross Listed Index – 0 shares traded. Index 0.00% to 586.

Top 5 Advancing Stocks

  1. JAMT9.03% or +0.29 to close at J$3.50 with 1,200 shares traded
  2. SIJL6.08% or +1.46 to close at J$25.46 with 25,400 shares traded
  3. CAR 1.21% or +0.40 to close at J$33.50 with 3,705 shares traded
  4. SJ1.11% or +0.10 to close at J$9.10 with 1,200,000 shares traded
  5. SGJ1.09% or +0.21 to close at J$19.48 with 46,319 shares traded

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. NCBJ… J$16,418,743 – 0.06%% or – +0.01 to close at J$17.01 with 925,521 shares traded
  2. SJ… J$10,920,000 – 1.11%% or – +0.10 to close at J$9.10 with 1,200,000 shares traded
  3. LIME… J$1,018,613 – -6.90%% or – -0.02 to close at J$0.27 with 3,637,905 shares traded
  4. JMMB … J$960,762 – -2.09%% or – -0.14 to close at J$6.56 with 145,570 shares traded
  5. SGJ… J$898,589 – 1.09%% or – +0.21 to close at J$19.48 with 46,319 shares traded

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. LIME… 3,637,905 shares traded – -6.9% or -0.02 to close at J$0.27
  2. SJ… 1,200,000 shares traded – 1.11% or +0.10 to close at J$9.10
  3. NCBJ… 925,521 shares traded – 0.06% or +0.01 to close at J$17.01
  4. PURITY… 600,000 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at J$0.90
  5. JMMB7.5… 181,600 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at J$2.00

Top 5 Declining Stocks

  1. MIL-7.49% or -0.14 to close at J$1.73 with 9,250 shares traded
  2. LIME-6.90% or -0.02 to close at J$0.27 with 3,637,905 shares traded
  3. JP-2.51% or -0.44 to close at J$17.06 with 1,839 shares traded
  4. JMMB -2.09% or -0.14 to close at J$6.56 with 145,570 shares traded
  5. KW-0.98% or -0.05 to close at J$5.05 with 25,502 shares traded

52-Week High/Lows

  1. JMMB … traded at its 52-week low of J$6.50.

Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE)

Market Performance

  • Composite – TT$569,791 – 58,524 shares traded. 47 trades.
  • All T&T – TT$449,500 – 25,624 shares traded. 36 trades.
  • Cross Listed – TT$120,291 – 32,900 shares traded. 11 trades.
  • Mutual Funds – TT$2,509,135 – 116,683 shares traded. 18 trades.
  • Second Tier – TT$0 – 0 shares traded. 0 trades.

Composite includes All T&T and Cross Listed. Does not include Mutual Funds.

Top 5 Advancing Stocks

  1. OCM… 1.46% or +0.33 to close at TT$23.00 with 2,422 shares traded
  2. UCL… 0.08% or +0.05 to close at TT$61.30 with 250 shares traded

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. CIF… TT$2,511,602 – -0.23%% or – -0.05 to close at TT$21.50 with 116,683 shares traded
  2. NEL… TT$122,066 – -0.26%% or – -0.05 to close at TT$19.05 with 6,406 shares traded
  3. GHL… TT$91,155 – 0.00%% or – 0.00 to close at TT$14.75 with 6,180 shares traded
  4. SFC… TT$90,316 – -0.15%% or – -0.01 to close at TT$6.74 with 13,400 shares traded
  5. FIRST… TT$70,116 – -0.82%% or – -0.31 to close at TT$37.49 with 1,870 shares traded

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. CIF… 116,683 shares traded – -0.23% or -0.05 to close at TT$21.50
  2. SIJL… 19,000 shares traded – -3.13% or -0.05 to close at TT$1.55
  3. SFC… 13,400 shares traded – -0.15% or -0.01 to close at TT$6.74
  4. NEL… 6,406 shares traded – -0.26% or -0.05 to close at TT$19.05
  5. GHL… 6,180 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at TT$14.75

Top 5 Declining Stocks

  1. SIJL… -3.13% or -0.05 to close at TT$1.55 with 19,000 shares traded
  2. FIRST… -0.82% or -0.31 to close at TT$37.49 with 1,870 shares traded
  3. NEL… -0.26% or -0.05 to close at TT$19.05 with 6,406 shares traded
  4. CIF… -0.23% or -0.05 to close at TT$21.50 with 116,683 shares traded
  5. SFC… -0.15% or -0.01 to close at TT$6.74 with 13,400 shares traded
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