J$450.36 Million / 18 Stocks Traded On JSE. TTSE Had 47 Trades Valued At TT$1.11 Million – Jan 22, 2014

Stock market performance report for Wednesday 22nd of January 2014 below.

Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)


  • Combined Market – J$450,361,056 – 61,985,429 shares / 18 stock(s) traded. 54 trades.
  • JSE Market Index – J$449,396,511 – 61,543,928 shares / 47 trades. 4 Advanced / 4 Declined / 7 Firm.
  • JSE Junior Market Index – J$964,544 – 441,501 shares / 7 trades. 1 Advanced / 1 Declined / 1 Firm.

Combined and Market Index includes Ordinary and Preference Shares.

Index Performance

  • JSE Market Index – 61,543,928 shares traded. Index +0.35% to 80,174.
  • JSE Junior Market Index – 441,501 shares traded. Index +0.10% to 786.
  • JSE US Equities Index – 43,900 shares traded. Index 0.00% to 95.
  • JSE Select Index – 61,332,967 shares traded. Index +1.40% to 2,251.
  • JSE All Jamaican Composite – 61,541,802 shares traded. Index +1.06% to 82,024.
  • JSE Cross Listed Index – 2,126 shares traded. Index -1.09% to 724.

Top 5 Advancing Stocks

  1. MDS7.32% or +0.15 to close at J$2.20 with 422,867 shares traded
  2. CCC5.84% or +0.22 to close at J$3.99 with 202,500 shares traded
  3. CAR5.13% or +1.78 to close at J$36.50 with 1,000 shares traded
  4. SGJ3.18% or +0.64 to close at J$20.76 with 22,364 shares traded
  5. SEP1.38% or +0.15 to close at J$11.00 with 327 shares traded

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. JMMB… J$435,179,523 – -0.13%% or – -0.01 to close at J$7.49 with 58,101,405 shares traded
  2. NCBJ… J$9,425,657 – -0.06%% or – -0.01 to close at J$17.99 with 524,960 shares traded
  3. GK… J$2,684,192 – 0.00%% or – 0.00 to close at J$56.00 with 47,932 shares traded
  4. MDS… J$930,307 – 7.32%% or – +0.15 to close at J$2.20 with 422,867 shares traded
  5. CCC… J$764,438 – 5.84%% or – +0.22 to close at J$3.99 with 202,500 shares traded

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. JMMB… 58,101,405 shares traded – -0.13% or -0.01 to close at J$7.49
  2. LIME… 2,609,072 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at J$0.19
  3. NCBJ… 524,960 shares traded – -0.06% or -0.01 to close at J$17.99
  4. MDS… 422,867 shares traded – 7.32% or +0.15 to close at J$2.20
  5. CCC… 202,500 shares traded – 5.84% or +0.22 to close at J$3.99

Top 5 Declining Stocks

  1. SALF-5.57% or -0.56 to close at J$9.50 with 1,000 shares traded
  2. FCIB-1.12% or -1.00 to close at J$88.00 with 2,126 shares traded
  3. GENAC-0.53% or -0.01 to close at J$1.88 with 17,134 shares traded
  4. JMMB-0.13% or -0.01 to close at J$7.49 with 58,101,405 shares traded
  5. NCBJ-0.06% or -0.01 to close at J$17.99 with 524,960 shares traded

52-Week High/Lows

  1. FCIB… traded at its 52-week low of J$88.00.

Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE)

Market Performance

  • Composite – TT$1,113,718 – 231,416 shares traded. 47 trades.
  • All T&T – TT$757,704 – 42,520 shares traded. 27 trades.
  • Cross Listed – TT$356,014 – 188,896 shares traded. 20 trades.
  • Mutual Funds – TT$2,611,758 – 116,171 shares traded. 15 trades.
  • Second Tier – TT$0 – 0 shares traded. 0 trades.

Composite includes All T&T and Cross Listed. Does not include Mutual Funds.

Top 5 Advancing Stocks

  1. GHL… 1.74% or +0.24 to close at TT$14.00 with 33,523 shares traded
  2. GML… 1.28% or +0.25 to close at TT$19.75 with 100 shares traded
  3. NML… 1.06% or +0.67 to close at TT$63.70 with 2,000 shares traded
  4. CIF… 0.94% or +0.21 to close at TT$22.48 with 116,171 shares traded
  5. OCM… 0.22% or +0.04 to close at TT$18.57 with 765 shares traded

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. CIF… TT$2,599,907 – 0.94%% or – +0.21 to close at TT$22.48 with 116,171 shares traded
  2. GHL… TT$465,299 – 1.74%% or – +0.24 to close at TT$14.00 with 33,523 shares traded
  3. GKC… TT$218,448 – 0.00%% or – 0.00 to close at TT$3.70 with 59,040 shares traded
  4. FIRST… TT$134,535 – -0.07%% or – -0.03 to close at TT$42.96 with 3,132 shares traded
  5. NML… TT$127,400 – 1.06%% or – +0.67 to close at TT$63.70 with 2,000 shares traded

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. CIF… 116,171 shares traded – 0.94% or +0.21 to close at TT$22.48
  2. NCBJ… 65,000 shares traded – -3.85% or -0.04 to close at TT$1.00
  3. GKC… 59,040 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at TT$3.70
  4. GHL… 33,523 shares traded – 1.74% or +0.24 to close at TT$14.00
  5. JMMB… 32,092 shares traded – 0% or 0.00 to close at TT$0.50

Top 5 Declining Stocks

  1. NCBJ… -3.85% or -0.04 to close at TT$1.00 with 65,000 shares traded
  2. PLD… -1.43% or -0.05 to close at TT$3.45 with 3,000 shares traded
  3. SIJL… -0.71% or -0.01 to close at TT$1.40 with 30,964 shares traded
  4. FIRST… -0.07% or -0.03 to close at TT$42.96 with 3,132 shares traded

52-Week High/Lows

  1. PLD… traded at its 52-week high of TT$3.45.
  2. SIJL… traded at its 52-week high of TT$1.40.
  3. OCM… traded at its 52-week high of TT$18.58.
  4. NML… traded at its 52-week high of TT$63.70.
  5. NCBJ… traded at its 52-week high of TT$1.01.
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