J$58 Million Traded Today (J$36 Million GK) – April 05, 2012

Today J$58.06 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange J$ Market (4.14 million shares) for 29 securities.

This was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$56.42 million – 3,776,562 shares traded. 20 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$1.64 million – 264,970 shares traded. 7 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$355.25 thousand – 101,500 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).
  • USD Market – US$142.50 hundred – 1,500 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. CBNY ….. +50.00% or +J$0.02 to close at J$0.06 with 1,000 shares traded – Ciboney Group Ltd.
  2. PROVEN … +11.11% or +J$0.01 to close at J$0.10 with 1,500 shares traded – Proven Investments Limited
  3. PAL …… +9.09% or +J$5.00 to close at J$60.00 with 300 shares traded – Palace Amusement Co. Ltd.
  4. JMMB ….. +6.67% or +J$0.70 to close at J$11.19 with 185,440 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.
  5. LASD ….. +6.64% or +J$0.80 to close at J$12.84 with 44,574 shares traded – Lasco Distributors Limited

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. GK ……. J$35,956,173.00 – +1.54% or +J$0.91 to close at J$60.00 with 600,270 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  2. SGJ …… J$7,661,099.40 – -2.77% or -J$0.66 to close at J$23.18 with 327,048 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  3. SLJ …… J$5,159,226.11 – -2.01% or -J$0.22 to close at J$10.74 with 476,163 shares traded – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  4. JMMB ….. J$2,029,640.80 – +6.67% or +J$0.70 to close at J$11.19 with 185,440 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.
  5. NCBJ ….. J$1,253,688.11 – +0.11% or +J$0.03 to close at J$26.55 with 47,211 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. CWJA ….. 1,779,017 shares – -11.76% or -J$0.02 to close at J$0.15 – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  2. GK ……. 600,270 shares – +1.54% or +J$0.91 to close at J$60.00 – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  3. SLJ …… 476,163 shares – -2.01% or -J$0.22 to close at J$10.74 – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited
  4. SGJ …… 327,048 shares – -2.77% or -J$0.66 to close at J$23.18 – Scotia Group Jamaica
  5. JMMB ….. 185,440 shares – +6.67% or +J$0.70 to close at J$11.19 – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd.

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. CWJA ….. -11.76% or -J$0.02 to close at J$0.15 with 1,779,017 shares traded – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  2. LASF ….. -11.11% or -J$0.50 to close at J$4.00 with 23,432 shares traded – Lasco Financial Services Limited
  3. RJR …… -4.03% or -J$0.10 to close at J$2.38 with 4,715 shares traded – Radio Jamaica Ltd.
  4. SGJ …… -2.77% or -J$0.66 to close at J$23.18 with 327,048 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  5. MIL …… -2.33% or -J$0.06 to close at J$2.51 with 72,327 shares traded – Mayberry Investments Ltd

52 Week high / low

  • Lascelles, deMercado and Company Ltd. traded at its 52-week low of $266.
  • Palace Amusement Co. Ltd. traded at its 52-week high of $60.

Other News

  • Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited (JMMB) has advised that the Bank of Jamaica has completed its assessment of JMMB’s application to acquire Capital & Credit Financial Group Limited and has recommended to the Minister of Finance
    and Planning that approval be granted. This recommendation puts JMMB in a position to make a formal offer to shareholders of CCFG in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago to acquire 100% of their shareholdings. On receiving the formal offer, the Board of CCFG will, as required by regulations, issue a Directors’ Circular providing its recommendations to its shareholders. The Minister has indicated that he will grant JMMB approval subject to the acceptance of the offer by
    the holders of CCFG shares and receipt required submissions.
  • Jamaica Producers Group Limited (JP) announced the completion of its subscription for 357,550,000 shares of Kingston Wharves Limited (KW) at a price of $5.00 per share. The share subscription had a total value of $1,787,750,000 and was financed in part by the proceeds of a $1,000,000,000 private placement of loan notes. KW amended its Articles of Association to allow for representation on its board by any shareholder having 21 percent or more of its voting shares. As
    a result of the subscription, JP now holds 25.46 percent of the ordinary voting shares of KW and has nominated Mr. Jeffrey Hall and Mrs. Kathleen Moss to serve as directors of KW.
  • Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC) confirmed on April 3, 2012 that full operations would have resumed at its Rockfort manufacturing plant by 10 pm on that same day, putting an end to the industrial action which began earlier in the
    day. This decision to return to work was the outcome of a meeting held at the Ministry of Labour with all stakeholders.
    Following the return to normality at the plant, the National Workers Union (NWU) and Carib Cement will pursue negotiations under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour. A meeting was set for 10.00am on April 5, 2012. Hourly rated weekly paid workers had taken industrial action following a breakdown in negotiations for wages covering the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012. CCC in an earlier release stated that it was aware of the economic challenges being faced by employees, but itself, was constrained by the Company`s current financial position.
  • Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited (CWJA) has advised that Mr. Andrew Cocking has resigned as a Director of CWJA effective April 3, 2012. Mr. Cocking also served as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
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