Market Decline 0.44% to Reach 86,284 Points.

Today J$5.27 million was traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange J$ Market (1.81 million shares) for 17 securities.

This was broken down as follows;

  • Main Market – J$4.65 million – 1,219,708 shares traded. 11 Stock(s).
  • Junior Market – J$621.67 thousand – 124,766 shares traded. 5 Stock(s).
  • Preference Shares – J$1.65 million – 470,000 shares traded. 1 Stock(s).

Top 5 % Increases

  1. CPJ ……. +6.64% or +J$0.14 to close at J$2.25 with 17,700 shares traded – Caribbean Producers Jamaica
  2. SALF …… +1.11% or +J$0.10 to close at J$9.10 with 10,000 shares traded – Salada Foods Ltd.
  3. LASD (XD) . +0.37% or +J$0.05 to close at J$13.65 with 30,200 shares traded – Lasco Distributors Limited

Top 5 Value Traded

  1. JMMB8.75 .. J$1,645,000.00 – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$3.50 with 470,000 shares traded – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited 8.75%
  2. GK …….. J$1,003,652.65 – -0.90% or -J$0.50 to close at J$55.00 with 18,230 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  3. NCBJ …… J$459,484.75 – -0.13% or -J$0.03 to close at J$22.29 with 20,651 shares traded – National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd.
  4. JBG ……. J$428,164.41 – -0.63% or -J$0.03 to close at J$4.71 with 91,002 shares traded – Jamaica Broilers Ltd.
  5. SLJ ……. J$415,853.00 – -0.10% or -J$0.01 to close at J$10.20 with 40,850 shares traded – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited

Top 5 Volume Traded

  1. CWJA …… 1,024,711 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$0.19 – Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
  2. JMMB8.75 .. 470,000 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$3.50 – Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited 8.75%
  3. JBG ……. 91,002 shares – -0.63% or -J$0.03 to close at J$4.71 – Jamaica Broilers Ltd.
  4. GENAC ….. 70,500 shares – +0.00% or +J$0.00 to close at J$1.99 – General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited
  5. SLJ ……. 40,850 shares – -0.10% or -J$0.01 to close at J$10.20 – Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited

Bottom 5 % Change

  1. SGJ ……. -2.40% or -J$0.52 to close at J$21.14 with 6,700 shares traded – Scotia Group Jamaica
  2. CAR ……. -1.93% or -J$1.00 to close at J$50.77 with 5,064 shares traded – Carreras Limited
  3. GK …….. -0.90% or -J$0.50 to close at J$55.00 with 18,230 shares traded – GraceKennedy Ltd.
  4. DCOVE ….. -0.73% or -J$0.05 to close at J$6.82 with 1,366 shares traded – Dolphin Cove Limited
  5. JBG ……. -0.63% or -J$0.03 to close at J$4.71 with 91,002 shares traded – Jamaica Broilers Ltd.

52 Week high / low

  • National Commercial Bank of Jamaica Ltd. traded at its 52-week low of $22.2.

Other News

  • On Friday July 13, 2012, Sagicor Financial Corporation (“SFC”), through its subsidiary, LOJ Holdings Limited, sold 308,280,000 shares held in Sagicor Life of Jamaica Limited (“SLJ”). Pan-Jamaican Investment Trust Limited (“Pan-Jam”) has acquired 299,519,661 shares in SLJ at a price of $10.20 and Trustee Sagicor Long Term Incentive Plan (LTI) has also purchased 7,400,000 SLJ shares. As a result of the transactions across the Jamaica Stock Exchange, SFC’s holdings in SLJ have been reduced from 59.2% to 51.0%. Pan-Jam`s interest in SLJ has increased from 24.8% to 32.7%.
  • Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited has advised that Miss Keisha Forbes has been appointed to the Board of JMMB Securities Limited effective July 10, 2012.
  • Ciboney Group Limited has released its unaudited financial statements for the fourth quarter ended May 31, 2012.
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