You could been up to 17% richer if…

If you invested in any of these stocks, this is how much your money would have appreciated last week (Nov 7-11, 2011):

  1. Scotia Investments Ja – 16.94%
  2. AMG Packaging & Paper Co. – 14.61%
  3. Kingston Wharves – 14.29%
  4. Barita Investments Limited – 14.21%
  5. Caribbean Cement Co – 11.65%
  6. Pulse Investments – 9.76%
  7. Desnoes & Geddes – 9.22%
  8. Jamaican Teas Limited – 8.67%
  9. GraceKennedy Ltd – 6.71%
  10. Radio Jamaica – 5.77%
  11. Cable & Wireless Ja – 5.26%
  12. Honey Bun (1982) Limited – 4.95%
  13. Ja Producers Group – 4.21%
  14. Ja Money Market Brokers – 4.17%
  15. Dolphin Cove Limited – 3.68%
  16. Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited – 2.74%
  17. Lasco Distributors Limited – 2.68%

There were other advancing stocks, but this is a list of the top 17.

If you would like to know more about investing in the stock market, the steps to take and how to get started, stay tuned. Subscribe for more information. I will be starting a series about investing in the stock market, how to go about it and all the factors to consider.

What would you like to know as it relates to investing on the stock market?


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