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- “Hi Stephen, this is the greatest site ever and definitely my top pick for financial stock information from my country. Nice interface and easy to understand.... Keep up the good work. Two thumbs up!"
Subscriber Email - Jan 2017 Gordon Swaby - Jun 2016
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I am serious about tracking my net worth (advanced portfolio tracking) in my paper asset holdings. To my amazement, the tracker does this exceptionally well and its sectionalism is a huge PLUS (Performance, Industry, Technical) etc"
Subscriber Email - Oct 2017 Wealth Watch Ja - Aug 2017
Randy Rowe
- “I signed up yesterday, and I am very pleased with this analysis at the end of the day. Much appreciated."
Subscriber Email - Apr 2019 Ryan Strachan
- “...let me thank you for providing a platform that allows me to track my investments, i find it extremely useful."
Subscriber Email - Apr 2018 @IMJRJ
- “Overall i am elated thus far. Keep up the great work, but most importantly the great service. I am really impressed with the modifications that you are gradually making on MoneyMax101 to enhance the overall user experience."
Subscriber Email - Dec 2017