They’ve only just begun… but RedBk (@redbkjamaica) continues to penetrate the airwaves, doing heavy promotion. You’ve seen their TV ads, now they’ve hit the web and TV promoting the business, and its strategy.

RedBk COO - Richard Robinson
We’ve written about RedBk before. RedBk plans to create telephone directories to list regular landline (fixed line) numbers for LIME, however its distinctive feature is to list landline numbers for the other fixed line company, FLOW, and also for the mobile companies. At the time of writing, I scoured the web and never found much about RedBk. In fact, I couldn’t find their official site or social media presence. But now we’ve found it!
We’ve found a video with COO Richard Robinson telling more about the company on the Jamaican morning show, CVM at Sunrise. The COO of RedBk Jamaica was being interviewed with Guest host Reneto Adams. Here are some of the highlights of the video and other points we’ve recently discovered.
- They will be printing over 600,000 copies of the directories and more if the need arises
- Regional directories – The Book is regionalized. This is designed to allow for more targeted marketing and local relevance. 5 Directories serving 5 Regions across the country.
- Smaller, easier to move around
- Available online and on smart phone
- Comprehensive – It’s comprehensive because everyone can be found in the directory! “From doctor to lawyer to your regular friday night Pan chicken man.”
- Targeting everyone – from the Blue Chip to the Micro enterprise even the peanut vendor
- Listings start as low as $2,500.00 plus GCT per year
- The first directory will be published in the 3rd quarter of 2012 but online services will be available in early 2012.
You can watch the full interview here.
Their website is and twitter is @redbkjamaica.