Intends to list by by 2015
Relatively young company eZines Limited founded by Tyrone Wilson and operating out of the Technology Innovation Centre at the The University of Technology, Jamaica has secured a major funding deal to enable future growth.
The Jamaica Observer announced Friday January 13th 2012 that Pan Caribbean Financial Services has agreed to invest US$350,000 through private placement, and the money will go into bolstering the company and building out new products. The investment has a very low coupon and it is convertible into shares.
President of Sagicor Jamaica Richard Byles will serve as chairman.
The Jamaica Observer reports:
eMedia Interactive headed by founder and CEO Tyrone Wilson will be launching Jamaica’s first indigenous online television platform. It is Jamaica’s first new media company and connects with audiences via a number of products.
eZines Limited are the makers of monthly electronic magazines distributed normally by email. They are also the producers of eZines on behalf of corporate customers. In July 2011 the Jamaica Observer announced that the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) partnered with eZines Limited to produce its electronic magazine, The Private Eye. The new electronic magazine will be distributed free of cost to the thousands of individuals associated with the PSOJ.
eZines are its digital magazine offerings which include Your Money, Your Style and Teen Spirit. These can be received via email, online, social media and mobile applications, now comes iVu Online Television Network.

eZines Limited
Jamaica’s First Online Tv Network
eMedia Interactive intends to create Jamaica’s first online TV network and will be targeting the diaspora with creative content.
“We are now going into iVu TV which will be Jamaica’s first online TV network. With this platform we will distribute local and regional content via websites, connected devices and smart phones through a box called Roku which will stream the content from the Internet to your television.”
The Changing media landscape has created a plethora of opportunities for new companies.
“The media landscape has changed tremendously over the last few years. Internetpowered smart phones, tablets and connected TVs have changed the way people consume content. iVu TV will change entertainment in Jamaica, providing new ways for people to access content. “There is no shortage of talented content providers but currently they do not have the funding to take their projects to the next level for the enjoyment of viewers here and abroad, who can enjoy greater choice and better quality content. Our iVu online TV network is the best way to ensure that their content moves from the Caribbean to the world.