Perhaps the most under-appreciated and underestimated resource in Jamaica is the sea. That of course is a pretty ironic thing considering the fact that Jamaica is an island – completely surrounded by the Caribbean Sea.
If the numbers being tossed about are correct, it would seem that the marine industry could employ almost half the 151,900 unemployed Jamaicans.

70,000 Jobs at Sea?
Shortage of 70,000 seafarers
Just two months ago Ruel Reid, Principal of Jamaica College stated that “there is a shortage of 70,000 seafarers,” as he explained why Jamaica College was forging a new partnership with the Caribbean Maritime Institute. Reid was speaking at the the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Jamaica College (JC) and the Caribbean Maritime Institute to exploit a wide range of opportunities in the nautical industry, a sector currently embarking on a recruitment drive.
Reid did not cite his source, a fact we truly regret as it would help us to verify the number. 70,000 jobs is no small figure in times like these.
A Major Area for Investment Locally
I had noticed while studying in Barbados that there was always some party cruise or water related activity available and within reasonable reach of the average person. Additionally, having lived and worked around the beach on the north coast of Jamaica I can say with some confidence that tourists are the people who enjoy the beaches and ocean the most.
The fact is, whenever the average Jamaican goes to the beach they rarely ever plan to take advantage of any water sport options. The issue is certainly not a lack of interest. Who wouldn’t want to go jet skiing? The issue, invariability is cost, and security. No one wants to pay an arm and a leg for a 15 minute ride on an unlicensed, uninsured, and assumedly unsafe vessel.
A major area for local development is water sports. Jet skis, speed boats, party boats, cross country pleasure cruises (Kingston – Montego Bay), scuba diving, snorkelling and much more.
A Snapshot of Some Careers At Sea
If you are interested, an incredibly informative resource in finding a list of possible careers at sea is Some careers listed there include:
Shore Based Roles
- Marine Pilots Find out more
- Stevedores Find out more
- Ship Managers Find out more
- Ship Agents Find out more
- Harbour Master Find out more.
- Classification Societies Find out more.
- Maritime Regulators
- Cruise Ship & Super Yacht Career Including:
- Deck Officers,
- Engine Officers
- Ratings
- Casino Gaming Attendants and Dealers
- Hairdressers/Beauticians
- Fitness Instructors
- Retail Assistants
- Bartenders
- Waiters/Waitresses
- Chefs and Cooks
- Entertainers
- Youth Workers
- Doctors and Nurses
- Masseuses Pursers/Front Desk Personnel
- Concierges
- Stewards/Stewardesses/Housekeeping
- Cruise Ship Jobs
- SaltwaterJobs
- Small Commercial / Near Coastal Sector Near Coastal Shipping
- Coxswain Find out more
- Deckhand Find out more
- Marine Engine Driver Find out more
- Skipper Find out more
- Master Find out more
- Deep Sea / Blue Water Sector Blue Water Shipping
General Purpose Hand
- Engineers Find out more.
- Salvage Crew Find out more.
- Tug Master Find out more.
- Salvage Master Find out more.
- Deck Officer Find out more
- Engineer Officer Find out more
- Marine Cook Find out more
- Coast Guard
Have you thought about investing in this area? Do you see any exciting opportunities in this sector?
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Andrew Wildes (@AndrewWildes), a law student, journalist and aspiring author. Read more about Andrew at MaximizeMyLife.