Project of National Importance
Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Anthony Hylton has said that the Government is fully behind this new project to position Jamaica as a logistics hub. In signalling its full support for the project the Government has elevated the status of this project to national priority, pointing out that the logistics hub initiative must be viewed as a flagship project, this according to a release from the Jamaica Information Service.

Jamaica as a Logistics Hub. Big Business!
According to the same release from the Jamaica Information Service, he said “The recent Cabinet retreat has resolved that the project represents the centre-piece of the country’s economic growth strategy, and is therefore a major initiative to drive the development and growth of the Jamaican economy”.
The development of the trans-shipment and logistics hub is being undertaken to help position Jamaica to take advantage of the expected increase in maritime activities that should result from the expansion of the Panama Canal by 2015.
What is in the project
According to JIS, the project will have six separate but complementary elements:
- dredging of the Kingston Harbour;
- expansion of port facilities at Fort Augusta and Gordon Cay;
- establishing a dry dock at Jackson Bay, Clarendon;
- establishing a trans-shipment commodity port near Yallahs, St Thomas;
- developing the Caymanas Economic Zone, and
- developing an air cargo and passenger facility at Vernamfield, Clarendon.
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is planning a series of islandwide public consultations to sensitize citizens about the Government’s plans for a logistics hub.