Now more than ever appears to be the right time for big businesses (and ingenious entrepreneurs) to create the platform for internet based businesses in Jamaica as it appears the government has finally agreed that country folks need internet too!
Phillip Paulwell, Jamaica’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining announced just this week that he will be making the expansion of broadband services to people in rural Jamaica a major focus. The aim is to improve country people’s ability to communicate and do business with government agencies without having to travel long distances.
“An ordinary Jamaican can be able to deal with their government. You don’t have to be travelling from Westmoreland to Kingston anymore. You can pay your taxes, you can deal with most of the functions that we do in government,” he stated.
The potential that greater internet access holds for greater access to government services, is the same great potential it has for providing greater access to your goods, your services, your web based platforms.
Jamaica may not be all web based now, but pretty soon we may have a culture that grows more accustomed to purchasing local products and services online.
Paulwell, who said that there was a “massive divide in access,” is yet to outline how exactly he will be accomplishing this ambition.