Today we are announcing the 2021 (and our first ever) stock picking challenge ???!
A competition for you to, (at the start of the year) pick what you think will be the best performing stocks of the year.

The competition is simple – at the start of the year, pick a group of not more than 7 stocks which we will track throughout the year. At the end of each quarter, and the year, the best performing set of stocks wins.

Prizes & How To Enter
We will have prizes each quarter for the top performing group of stocks and also at the end of the year. Performance is tracked between the first and last trading days in 2021 (even though we are starting mid-January this year).
The leader board is updated daily for you to see how you are doing.
Entrants will be accepted until Jan 30th, 2021.
The competition is free and easy to enter. Simply choose your 7 best stocks and that’s it. No need to choose how many units or worry about buying and/or selling throughout the year. For this competition you will have an equally weighted portfolio.
Join Free or Log in to choose your stocks, view rules, leader board and prizes
View the leader board, rules and update your picks here

What’s in it for you?
- Learn by taking part – Take a shot at choosing 7 stocks that you think will do well and see how well you did. We’ll track it and show you
- how your picks have performed against the market,
- and against others
- The chance to win cash & prizes – We have amazing cash and prizes up for grabs, to the persons with the best performing set of stocks at the end of each quarter and the year
View the leader board, rules and update your picks here