First Rock Capital Holdings Ltd JMD (JSE:FIRSTROCKJMD)
Jamaica Stock Exchange
J$9.98 8.71% +0.80
Opened at : 9.18.
FIRSTROCKJMD is also listed on the JSE as (FIRSTROCKUSD), and closed on 2025-01-31 at
0.04 +2.19% 0.00
Opened at : 0.04 All other figures and prices on this page relate to the JSE.
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The company plans to grow its Cayman Islands holdings by around 20 per cent, and is otherwise looking to the New York tri-state and the state of Georgia, “specifically the city of Atlanta”, for investment opportunities.
on First Rock to rebalance geographic holdings ▼
Jamaica, however,... read more• 4 years ago • 2
#firstrockjmd has been going up over the last few months, the last time I checked. this will only accelerate it
on FirstRock Capital Holdings Limited (FIRSTROCK) Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fourth Quarter Ended December 31, 2020▼• 4 years ago • 3
Wondering if the micro credit stocks will respond. Maybe not, as I guess the impact is uncertain. Or it may only benefit them and reduce competition? Not sure.
on Senate passes Microcredit Act | Loop News - Loop News Jamaica▼
What are the micro credit stocks?
#lasf #afs #firstrockjmd #isp ?• 4 years ago • 2