Why JPS Cutting the Cost of Your Light Bill Is All A BIG “IF”

Don’t be fooled by short, juicy media headlines like “JPS plans to lower electricity cost” – read the whole long story (and all the updates).  If you do, you will see that the big, loving promise, may simply be fleeting comfort.

A promise is a comfort to a fool...

As more news trickles out concerning the bases of JPS’s plan, a lot more is being put in perspective.

The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS), says light bills could be cut by 30 to 40 per cent, if the Government delivers on the much-touted LNG project.

To be fair, it seems that JPS has more in store than this one aspect. At a press conference yesterday JPS Chief Financial Officer Dan Theoc, stated that the company has a 5 year plan to lower the cost of electricity, targeting 5 specific areas (including improvements to its transmission and distribution network).

Anyway, MoneyMax101 has already alerted you that LNG may not be the Messiah. Not to be Debbie-Downers, but keep watchful and sober. Don’t get your hopes up, too far.

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