Hey Maxers, we’ve only been doing this since October 2011, but so far it has been rewarding! Rewarding because;
- you have said so (feedback received),
- because we are benefiting (learning) while doing this, and
- because the stats show this.
We’re happy that when we take time to provide our relevant, reliable and rightly timed resources you take time out to check them out. Look at the chart below to see some of the significant areas in which growth was seen.

February 2012 Performance Highlights
Some of our more popular articles for February 2012 are below. If you haven’t read them yet, be sure to check them out.
- Sorry RedBk, You Started it. Yellow Pages Fights Back!
- 2 Smashing Reasons to Resurrect McDonalds in Jamaica
- Vieques – Investing in the Middle of Nowhere
- Top 4 Caribbean Countries to Visit and Invest in 2012 – Panama, Cuba, St. Vincent, and Dominican Republic
- Ha! Now That’s Funny! Barbados To Be The Cultural Capital of the Caribbean by 2020!
- Since You Asked. Here’s What You Need to Know About RedBk, The Alternate Telephone Directory.